Laptop and a smartphone with the Miik homepage displayed
Laptop and a smartphone with the Miik homepage displayed

Fashion Ecommerce Website


Web design
UX design

Miik is a Canadian sustainable fashion brand making comfortable clothing for women. I redesigned their Shopify website using customer feedback to identify and resolve user pain points. I was responsible for wireframes, site mapping, visual design and development.


Screenshot of Miik's new website homepage as viewed on a desktop. It has a large featured image of a model at the top, many photos for product categories and bestsellers, an email signup field, and press logos at the bottom.

The previous homepage had very little content and didn’t display well on mobile devices. The redesigned page now has a responsive hero image, links to featured collections, a carousel of bestselling products, and press logos to build credibility. The result is a page that better represents Miik’s offerings and invites visitors to start shopping.

Across the website, I reorganized the main navigation menu, putting the two most visited pages (“New arrivals” and “Sale”) at the top level for easy access. The footer menu has been expanded to hold frequently visited links and organized into “Help” and “Company” categories.

Screenshot of Miik's old website homepage as displayed on a desktop. There is a wide, narrow featured image of a model with smaller images below.
Previous homepage


Mobile screen showing a store homepage with a small image of a fashion model with icons and text below


Mobile screen showing a store homepage with a large image of a fashion model with icons and text below

Collection Page

Screenshot of Miik's new website's product collection page. A grid of images is displayed on the right with a sophisticated search filter section to its left.

One of customers’ biggest frustrations with the previous design was that it was difficult to quickly find products available in their size. I used a third-party app to add product filtering based on type, size, price and colour. Colour swatches under the product images on collection pages indicate available options and allow users to preview each colour before visiting the product page.

I revised how product photos are cropped, focusing on a single item rather than showing a full outfit with multiple products (ie. cardigan, blouse, and pants). It’s now easier to browse as the user no longer needs to read the product name to know which product is the focus.

Screenshot of the old Miik website's product collection page. It has a grid of tall, narrow photos of models in different outfits.
Previous collection page

Product Page

Screenshot of Miik's new product page design, with a large photo of a woman in a dress and small thumbnails of additional images to its left.

On the old product pages, the size selectors didn’t have a disabled state, so it wasn’t obvious which sizes were sold out. Now, unavailable sizes are light grey, crossed out, and can’t be selected by the user.

I cropped product images to a 3:4 ratio, which scales to fit comfortably on most desktop and mobile devices. Previously, product photos were tall and narrow—nearly a 2:5 ratio—and were getting cut off on smaller displays.

Thumbnail images for additional product colours have been moved up into the first viewport and are now visible on mobile, with navigation dots to indicate where more photos are available.

Screenshot of Miik's old website's product page. A photo of a model wearing a dress is cut off just below her knees.
Previous product page as viewed on a 13" laptop


Mobile product page showing a large image of a model wearing a dress with colour and size swatches below


Mobile product page showing a large image of a model wearing a dress with three smaller images below